Rev Caption API Guide

General Information

By using Fabric Origin's captioning API, you can easily offer captions for the hearing impaired on Fabric Origin's video assets. With the captions, you can also have them translated through our partners at and localize the videos by language. To get started, you will have to set up your account with and then you can order the videos that you want captioned and translated to reach your diverse audience.

Before you begin:

  1. Sign up for an account at .

  2. Request API Access. They will ask you to set up invoicing with them in order to enable access.

  3. Once approved, support will send you Sandbox Keys for testing.

  4. Use the Sandbox Client and User Keys to test the /Rev/Order API.

  5. Request Production Keys from support.


  • Transcriptions - Sentiment analysis, keyword extraction, translations, Phrases.

  • Translations - Use the transcription to translate into multiple languages for caption localization.

  • Captions - Localization, ADA compliance.


Once you have API access to you will be able to use your Client and User API keys to send videos from IVA.


Usage and SDK Samples

curl -v -X POST"" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: [[apiKey]]" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d "ClientApiKey=[[ClientKey]]&UserApiKey[[UserKey]]&VideoId=[[VideoId]]&UseSandbox=true"


If I request a notification what can I expect to be returned?

  • When the order is complete or cancelled, IVA returns a JSON object that contains the Id for the caption and the Status. Example: { "id":4, "status": “Complete” } or { "id":6, "status": "Cancelled"}.

Is the ReferenceId in Entertainment Express the same as client_ref in Rev?

  • No. The ReferenceId in EE only lives inside IVA. Not on Rev. The Id for the caption is used in the client_ref in Rev.

Can I get detailed status updates like in Rev?

  • Not currently. IVA waits for the job to be complete and when we receive notification from Rev we process and send notification to the client. Considering adding this at a future date.