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Video Players
Fabric Origin video content is encoded in traditional MP4 containers in various bit rates as well as several Adaptive Streaming formats to work with all modern players on all devices. Here is a complete list of Video Formats.
Mobile Native
Fabric Origin recommends Adaptive Streaming using the native player on mobile platforms when possible. This provides the fastest startups and overall best user experience especially on mobile devices that could have frequent bandwidth changes over a short period of time. Read more about Adaptive Streaming Here.
Mobile and Desktop Web Browsers
Virtually all modern web browsers now support Adaptive Streaming natively or with some javascript support using W3C's Media Source Extensions.
Media Source Extensions can be used with Dash and HLS Adaptive streaming and many HTML5 Players support both options. IVA Recommends using HLS Adaptive Streaming to support both mobile and desktop web browsers with the same code base. The current browser compatibility for Media Source Extensions here shows that virtually all modern browsers support Media Source Extensions with the exception of IOS Safari which supports HLS natively. Hence, one video format (HLS) can be played everywhere.
There are some limitations on older devices with HLS playback. In our tests, limiting the bitrate and size of the adaptive streams to no more than 2.5 Mbps video and audio streams enables older devices with Media Source Extensions to have a quality user experience with the benefits of adaptable bitrates.
curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' 'https://ee.iva-api.com/Videos/GetVideo/1234?MaxRate=adap_2500000&Format=hls&Expires=2018-1-1'
VideoJS Player - HLS Video
<video id="example-video"
class="video-js vjs-default-skin vjs-16-9 vjs-big-play-centered"
<source src="https://video.internetvideoarchive.net/video.mp4?cmd=6&fmt=11&cust...." type="video/mp4">
<track kind='captions' src='https://ee.iva-api.com/Rev/5/Attachments/WebVTT/content?subscription-Key=.....' srclang='en' lable='English' default />
<link href="css/video-js.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<script src="js/video.js"></script>
<script src="js/videojs-contrib-hls.js"></script>
var player = videojs('example-video');